Thursday, June 14, 2007

Before Your Period Dry


God thank you, the Clinton years were far behind. We can now openly wish the return of the Reagan years .

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Suche Song Papapapapa In

The hard life of Alain Dubuc

is hard to be Alain Dubuc. It is only when one is unconditionally federalist, it still has the right to shoot the target that remains in place: the symbols unique to the monarchy that still and always Canada. It makes things fun:

Dubuc today :

Lieutenant Governor of a province is useless. Its role is purely ceremonial. This is a public figure who cuts ribbons, which penalizes laws and issue decrees on behalf of old traditions, and who holds no power.


On federal grants 1.7 million in 10 years received by the former lieutenant governor, $ 700 000 does not seem to be related to its function. Not bad money . She seems to have considered the compensation which was grants for his work. She also confused, systematically, his public life and personal life. And so that taxpayers have paid for family parties, restaurants, ski vacations, fishing trips or parties golf.


Dubuc 2 weeks ago: How much is

a Quebecer? How much money does it take to buy his vote or to change his mind about the future of his country to the tune of advertising? Well, the retired judge Bernard Grenier, who yesterday presented its long awaited report on the illegal spending of federal forces in the referendum of 1995, gives us the answer. That's 12 pennies and a half!

J. Grenier, after careful analysis, invoice by invoice, identified costs from 11.6 million two organizations funded by Ottawa, Canadian Unity Council and its political affiliate, Option Canada. Of this total, it has not 3.5 million in illegal spending, but $ 539,460, which has not, as was the Quebec Act, was reported as expenditure of the No side.


is price to pay.

The bulk of these illegal expenditures is found in two positions: Volunteer loaned to the No side who were paid indirectly, and expenditure surveys that were not counted. The reprehensible acts have been committed by leaders of these organizations. Half a million illegal spending is too much. To condemn it. But not with half a million are stolen a referendum.

damp squib!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Desparete Housewives Reruns

The Albanian GWB

They love it for reasons deliciously revealing. Nice metaphor for all these plans that were behind the Iron Curtain and can not stop singing the apple in Washington.

Monday, June 11, 2007

What Is Ic Butal-apap-325-caff Tab

like The Sopranos, the last episode

George, Jerry and Tony

Jerry: It's about nothing was final.
Tony: Nothing?
George: Nothing.
Tony: WTF do you mean about nothing?
George: What'd you do this evening?
Tony: Well, I had a meeting With Some guys, Then I Went To Dinner with my family.
George: There, that's a final.
Tony: How Is That a fuckin 'final?
Jerry: Well, uh, maybe Something Happens On The Way to Dinner ..
George: No, no, no. Nothing Happens.
Jerry: Well, Something Happens.
Tony: Get the fuck outta here!

Via Slashdot .

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Long Time Effect Syphilis

Mythology 101

Quebecers are too nice with immigrants.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Wording Candyland Invitation

Boisclair, finishing

By losing time on the blog Freakanomics , I came across information highly relevant to explaining the score Boisclair the last election. Of course, there are still people who say that Quebecers are more fine / nice / tolerant than Americans, but I personally do not believe a single word (and even if the results might differ). Of course, it is probably a measure of social acceptability of the intolerance of respondents of a particular group (ie eg. I say that I would vote for a woman because I do not want other know that I'd rather not). Must therefore take everything with a grain of salt. But still ...

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Ikusu Otome Valkyrie 1

Things that will certainly happen when we have a system of two-tier health

-The shortage of doctors and nurses will be a thing of the past;

Never-the doctors will not use their position in the public system in order to pump customers to their clinics private, either by promising faster service to private or providing inferior service to the public;

-The exponential increase in the price of drugs will cease;

-The imposition of user fees will encourage people to exercise and eat better;

-The poorest people (and therefore, sicker) will be better cared for;

-Claude Castonguay will not sit on the board of one of these HMOs in Quebec.

Dressy Outfits With Leggings And Boots

Hey , kids! Jean-Luc understands you.

Via ASM.