Thursday, September 10, 2009

White Cm Instead Of Period

I made some changes to chapters 8 and 9.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

37 Weeks Pregnantstool Is Black

genealogy Lorenzino ...

He is being held in Paris an exhibition of Filippo Lippi and his son Filippino. In France, when one thinks of a Florentine Renaissance painter, one thinks especially Sandro Botticelli, who was a pupil of Filippo.
It was during my first stay in Florence, there are almost 40 years ago I found this picture in the Uffizi. More the "Spring" more than the "Venus" by Sandro Botticelli, the eternal aspect of the Madonna touch me ...
And it interests me more than the teacher (geography) that we had discovered we had an interesting story about him. The model of this holy virgin was a nun who had the pretty name of Lucrezia Buti. She was 18 when she was seduced by Fra Filippo Lippi, who was then 48. Filippo Lippi, an orphan, had not chosen a life in a religious order (he pronounced his vows at age 15), the Carmelites at that. But it enabled him to live ecclesiastical benefices attached its expenses. He often overcomes the constraints of his monastic life.
year following the meeting between Filippo and Lucrezia was born Filippino, who became the painter at the court of the Medicis.
Having seduced a nun (she also was Carmelite) nearly cost the life of Filippo. Cosimo de Medici received his pardon from the Pope and their parents of the young Filippino were relieved of their vows and married. Filippino Lippi had a sister, Alessandra.
In the Medici family, there are also interesting characters: three popes (Leo X, Clement VII and Leo XI), the second, born Giulio de 'Medici (1478-1534) was himself a illegitimate child, and two cardinals: Charles (1430-1492), canon in Florence and Hippolyte (1509-1535).
Jules future Clement VII, had himself a son of a Roman peasant (or slave slave): Alexander (1511-1537).
The confrontation between the genealogy of Lippi and the Medici could be interesting: Filippino why would not he himself had forgotten a girl, raised in a convent, who allegedly met a canon descendant of Lorenzo the Magnificent? How to call

common descendant of these two interesting families?
There are a hero "romantic" Lorenzaccio symbol of revolt for Alfred de Musset's flesh and Gerard Philipe, another charismatic figure, at the Avignon Festival, another Medici, who killed his cousin Alexander in 1537. Lorenzaccio was on the agenda of the first class and the "small classqiue Larousse" have said many generations of students: the diminutive "Accio" is derogatory. My hero
therefore be called Lorenzino.