Friday, May 23, 2008

How Many Cc In Syringe

Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter One

Chapter 2

A year ago, Lorenzo stood before his Uncle Giuseppe Lippi, the brother of his mother, who had brought him: - "This experience is the last stupid that you try both in Florence to Pisa. Risking a coat of white and yolk all Notable the city who go to High Mass on the grounds that you wanted to study the difference in the speed of their respective falls from 5 pounds 5 pounds of feathers and eggs of chickens! "Lorenzo, head bowed, contrite .-" and result in your nonsense Giacomo Galilee, a child of 7 years, by promoting your "assistant" to make him throw up the "torre pending" foamed Uncle Giuseppe. - "The experience would have been more interesting from the top of the tower Asinelli in Bologna! "Advanced Lorenzo .-" Shut up, I do not want to hear a single mistake out of your mouth! "Lorenzo returned with his head between his shoulders .- The young Giacomo had custody of his little brother Galileo, which has not one year and shouting themselves hoarse at the foot of the tower? Thus he drew the attention of the curate. And his coat was covered with broken eggs and feathers were glued on it. "Lorenzo, who had always found the vicar looked like a gallinaceous chuckled, but he pretended to be contrite .- 'After You Previous attempts to mix several products in a still ill at random, which led to the explosion of the stables of Mr. Galilee, I can not let you in Pisa. You would put the city with fire and blood. - "Not by chance, I took notes ... It was not the result I hoped for, but you have to experiment if we want to advance science, advanced Lorenzo.
"Your grandfather Cardinal would not be proud of you." Lorenzo was in fact a cardinal in his ancestry and several nuns ... He had lived his entire childhood in a convent with her mother. But he missed a few cues. Her mother had a passion for painting it as before his grandfather and uncle ... She had no vocation for motherhood. Lorenzo had invested in the study, and sought in science benchmarks. Among other things, he had a passion for experimental science ... Uncle Giuseppe claimed that his experiments were mainly as a consequence of causing disasters. Therefore, when he was 14, he had granted subsidies to begin studying medicine, science less risky at the University of Pisa who was very famous. He was staying with a family ally of his, the Galilee. "I decided to take a radical decision about you and wrote to Madame Caterina, your cousin. As the famous grandfather Cardinal Medici was Lorenzo was be a relative of the Queen of France .- "An embassy to leave the city of Florence to Paris next week and you will leave with her. Its members are to join the Queen Charlotte. At best, Ms. Caterina page as you will, at worst, we will find you well in the depths of this wild Bourbonnais, a job as assistant priest in an obscure country priest ... "Lorenzo had nothing to answer for a long time, the court of France invited many scholars, architects and artists. Among them the great Leonardo, whom he admired so much work ... including these fabulous machines he had seen the drawings in the ducal palace. He hoped to escape the destiny of a country vicar. He took leave of his uncle and his back, recovered a strange plate he had filed against the wall when he arrived. "And what's that thing? - My Clipboard Wheels? It is very convenient to cross the corridors of your palate. I put the right foot over, grab the momentum with the left foot and I drive in one go to the exit .... - And you break pots of orange which I take so much care! Confiscated! I will immediately incinerate the evil machine ...


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