Thursday, July 30, 2009

Pregnant Swollen Knee

At the end of the service, before we go to Lorenzo, the curate reminded parishioners that they had a duty to pay a fee to the lord of nuts. The young Florentine did not quite understand the nature: it was to pay some money when someone spoke. A tax very curious. A murmur ran through the widespread support when he was reminded of this duty. The vicar
Bear Lorenzo presented at the meeting and it put all his eloquence to try to convince parents to let their children come to learn the basics of reading and writing.
- "And singing to participate more actively in the Mass" believed it appropriate to add.
He told them he would meet with them individually when the noise of an argument outside the church came to disrupt his speech. His audience became distracted and he thought it more appropriate to shorten.
The vicar was, meanwhile, already released.

front of the cemetery adjoining the church, the great coal red faced man on horseback.
- "The woods belonged to us long before your family come to settle here and usurps the rights on freehold land. We recognize the monks, who replant with their peasants the right to levy a tithe on the trees that we use around their priory. The king has ordered us to charcoal to supply his army and gunpowder to operate forges out where his bomb: it to accomplish this mission, we cut the wood. In its forests, its officers give us protection, we agree to give him a free-twentieth of our production. But the wood Vesvres you claim to be your stronghold, is so frank immemorial, as I got from my grandfather who had it from his grandfather, who himself had inherited from his grandfather. When you hunt, pursuing the game you destroy their crops. It is you who should pay them a right of passage.
- "Insolent! "Choked her vis-à-vis. The vicar
Bear, who was cautiously withdrawn, added:
- "How dare you speak thus to such a noble person? "
As if he had not heard, the coal continued
-" The armed men that you sent what you call collect your royalties took the opportunity to make the passage, claiming a right ugly, pottery that potters had to make Coulandon to sell them at the fair. I call this flight and I advised them to file claims at the Seneschal. The prosecutor in their community, which is Pinwheels for Fair Brandons has already asked a clerk to write their application. As for the charge
you just make a claim at the end of the large mass about "dawdle", which would break the silence, I am curious to know what titles you have to justify that you be paid! "The Lord of
nuts, because it was him, was red with anger, he raised his sword and tried to intimidate his opponent by making his horse rear. The mount was frightened by a gray dog had stepped in front of the giant red and she unseated.
Lorenzo had recognized him as one of the lords, poor poet, but a man of honest conversation, smitten of Petrarch and Dante, who attended court assiduously. Marguerite had presented to him. He rushed to help him recover but not without pointing out that the coal had been whispering in the ear of the animal that had calmed down immediately.
- "Really amazing, 'he thought.
And a helping hand:
- "Allow me, Sir, to help you get up. Are you hurt? "
-" Ah, Lorenzino! You here? Rest assured, a gentleman of my race, from a long line of knights is tough to evil. I'm fallen only because this lousy clown is a dangerous sorcerer. "
The man with a big hat walked away with his dog Wolf.
- "He is a leader of wolves ... Did you see the monster who accompanied him? The evil eye! it's the only thing that can explain a jumper as Emeritus me has been not control his mount. Moreover, it has a nasty girl equipped with a green eye and one blue one, which is the mark of the devil. But he will report to me, that rascal! We will show them in command here, is not it? It is Catherine who sent you? .
- "Ah! is therefore indeed the father of Mary, "said Lorenzo, who had thought he recognized the gray dog. Then aloud:
- "No, master Péant. He asked me to create a small school grammar. I came this morning to announce the completion of high mass. "
- "I never attend Mass parish: I am the chaplain of my office in my castle. Besides, I am delighted to welcome you here: we could have one of those nights so delightful poetry. I would invite a few neighbors.
I heard that the parish priest had instructed you to organize schools? Laudable initiative, if it is to give a little more religion in the offspring of the pagans. But if he is to give them the means to read and write. The lousy already know too much: one wonders how. You've heard how this tool of Satan was talking to me? And the words he used? "Submit titles" ... "file a complaint? Does he know what that means? And imagine you it that the king or his justice may give reason for these asses earth against their superiors? "
With these words he mounted his horse and waving Lorenzo, took over the management of his residence.

Afternoon was already well advanced: Lorenzo and the vicar went to the rectory. A woman from the village had prepared a light meal. She pointed to Lorenzo the house which was attributed to the time of his stay: daisies bloomed along the walls, it was covered with thatch and contained only one room, but with a stone fireplace .. Lorenzo
feared a little lonely during his stay: fortunately he had his pigeons to communicate with Marguerite (he will send him a message shortly), his writing paper, the missal that came from his mother and a lute .... And then the lord Nuts promised to organize a poetry evening.

He joined the vicar to perform the verification of employment income of the cure.


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