Sunday, December 12, 2010

What Is A Good Title For Paper Towels

Big surprise!

A beautiful morning has started with us! I am delighted and amazed, I never believed, I confess that this could happen, especially at this time, it is not very open about the workshops.
I was in the spirit of looking after the kitchen fire, and there I hear more noise in the living room, then I go and I surprised, Elliot, to make a spirited the transfer of large tongs pickles, nuts and a box of eggs.
With extreme concentration (despite the very very early morning awakening 5:00) he went nuts in the box with the clamp and poses on the table, once all on the table and he starts to put them in the egg box Once the box is full, why it shakes? I know it shakes ... and here he takes the nuts, put them back in the box and puts it all in the shelf.

And I posted at the door with the camera, he has not even noticed my presence, I understand now when you talk about this extraordinary concentration, that nothing makes them move, this morning we had to approach it I think!
Even those who have fallen to the ground he picked them up with pliers, and a moment he looks at the box it was almost full, he missed one and he looks on the table, she had rolled behind the box, he sought the view, once found and presto she joins others in his compartment. The craziest is that when he put everything he has acted as if nothing had happened, he left to attend to other business.


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