Friday, May 22, 2009

Cell Respiration Lab 5 Analysis Questions

Chapter 5 Chapter 6

Since leaving the suburb of Allier, they encountered a steady stream of peasants on mules, but mostly on foot, carrying baskets, pushing cattle or poultry. A few rickety carts were loaded with piles of gray pottery.
Master Lorenzo Duchapt information: "They come from the village of potters that between Coulandon and Messarges. It makes this dish gray. We're going to spend before we engage in the forest. The roads are crowded because the fair is free of Brandons payment of any help or royal taxation, and the toll bridges, which naturally attracts a large number of peasants and artisans. It comes from the region and even Souvigny Montet. As for the barges, often encountered coming Decize and Nevers, even Bourges.
Soon, the steeple of the church appeared Neuvy their eyes, but they let her right hand to reach a quarter of a mile farther, to a group of houses they passed through, and front porch which was the entrance of a mansion:
The two aldermen-crossed themselves "Montgarnaud, which was the home of President Minard! He was assassinated in Paris there is almost ten years ago ... A sombre affair! "
Lorenzo noted that many farmers were active in the fields to cut and bend the lower branches and they wove the young Florentine, who was known as the Tuscan countryside was surprised. He told his companions that the cypress grew alone. Master Duchapt tried to disabuse:
- "it became necessary for someone to plant, these cypress! Here they protect hedgerows wind and roots of trees and shrubs that are absorbed the overflow of water ... They are lined by ditches that prevents months when the grain is sown ... There is a small drawback, the birds nest here in abundance and to install scarecrows or hunt for that 'they do not eat the seeds before they are removed! More importantly, here, we raise a lot of cattle and can get away. In summer, you see them there together, and they are also looking for the deep shade of walnut trees that you see the meadows ... All this work is necessary for filling the holes that make wild animals and have nice hurdles that prevent livestock from straying. And then, in these "untracked", farmers are also berries and nuts, and herbs that heal ... Besides the wood so they heat up. By cons, beware if you have to walk alone in the campaign: Do not lie down unsuspecting foot of a hedge as VERP (note: the vipers) are also a lot like the freshness that provides thickness " .
They had supported a good pace and on a hill, we could see already the steeple Coulandon:
- "Oh, says Jean Du Quesnay ... We will make a stop at the tavern.
Opposite the church hung the sign of the Three Kings in front of a house. Some customers were playing dice with exclamations and strength on the garden side, part of billet was in court. A quarrel was beginning, two men accused each other a little tipsy ... To have cheated? The reasons for their quarrel was not very clear
- "you did!
- but no, it's you.
- no! you!
But it had serious air!
Away from this animation at the foot of a stone cross, sat a man in his face pale and emaciated that contrasted with his black hair. He watched the players and drinkers with an air unfriendly. His fingers clutched something compulsively.
Lorenzo saw the face of Master Of Quesnoy frown and master Duchapt decided: "It is better not to dwell in this place. We will instead stop at the village of potters. "
And, on a confidential tone:
" - The man sitting at the foot of the cross is brother Pasquale. Needless to tell us his attention ... He loves me too my friend Du Quesnay and I made the mistake of inviting me in with the dean of the chapter, which is my cousin ... When he found out that I collect books, he called me a heretic ... I Less frequent , the better I feel. "
His accomplice nodded: "- He thinks my daughter is too richly embroidered clothes! And the fabric is too thin! It is true that my love Mariette silk that I am coming from Lyon. But she is so pretty in those clothes! "
-" Oh, it's that famous brother Lorenzo Pasquet thought! "
The look of the Inquisitor of the Faith became even more feverish when a group of men wearing big hats sat on a trestle table in front of the cafe ... was a group of coal. Lorenzo's eyes were attracted by a pretty blonde girl sitting in their midst. His surcoat ribbed would not be at risk of offending brother Pasquet, thought the boy. Despite his feet shod in clogs, she had arrived, appearing to dance!
Lorenzo joked: "- master Péant me well said to be met with fairies in the forest.
- Pretty girl, Lorin Duchapt approved. Maybe a little skinny." Lorenzo and his
two companions did not linger, as they had agreed. They swung to the right and entered a path that seemed carved in sunken meadow ....
- "You spoke of fairies," said Master Duchapt. You see the holes, then left hand? Some superstitious believe he is hiding from wivres and they keep the treasures. Nonsense that all this: in Actually they are old quarries. It is here that the stones were extracted with roses that were built most of our churches ... but Jaquemart. If we were have a stone bridge, stone Coulandon is that we would build.
- "Look, we reach the village of potters ..."
They sat at the "Wild Man". The boss greeted them with eloquence. Lorenzo quenched his thirst with a glass of water cut a few drops of wine, but master and master Quenay Duchapt resolved to be served wine Besson. Three drinks later, Master Du Quesnay , slapping his thighs information in the wings:
- "Brother Pasquet, Dominican was before the Three Kings at Coulandon. He seemed to be in front doors Hell. "
Perrinet, the tenant did not laugh: - "Do not joke: it is a calamity for the trade. In his sermon Sunday, he called for building a bonfire for those who engage in fishing in the game, as he says. "
Both aldermen were offended: -" We offer bonfires to the people of our good town of Moulins. But this is not to burn their games of cards and dice! He also preached at St. stone Ménestreau to ban the game of tennis, because players like the famous Isabella, are to run after the ball, dresses too small ! He did not look as if they view the offense as much. " Jean Du Quesnay
sighed: - "It is without doubt a holy man! "


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