Friday, May 8, 2009

Pokemon Doujin De Dawn

Chapter 4

Master Michael had fixed an appointment for Lorenzo Duchapt master and master Duquenay, two aldermen of the city, outside the inn of the Chapeau Rouge. The next morning, Lorenzo St. Julien left the hospital at the time of premium and first went to the castle because he wanted to greet his cousin Margaret and encouragement for the poetry contest ... Margot was still morning: she made them serve hot chocolate This drink from America. She reassured him and his cousin claimed to be ready to compete alone: it owed its name to her aunt, the daughter of Francis, and sister of the latter in his time was nicknamed the "tenth Muse". And they laughed a lot to Mr. Singer and Mr. Brantome Ronsard, writers certainly very scholarly, but if pedantic !
- "You're gonna miss me yet though. My brothers are not funny and seem to only be concerned as to find me a husband, the court appears not only to raise interest therein peddle gossip. As for my mother, she is too preoccupied with politics. I would like to regularly receive from you during the week are you going to spend Cressanges: Also, I have a surprise for you. "
She went to her window and took a wooden box, with holes:
- "Let me introduce Sybille, Morgan and Selena: you will put a short message in the small tube that attaches their leg and they will come back to me. If there is an urgent response, I will send a messenger on horseback, but it will be less discreet. In the future, we will arrange for you to have yourself your pigeons. "
His wallet on the back and the box housing the pigeons by hand, Lorenzo went to the tavern where he was meeting with the aldermen. The Red Hat and its neighbor, the Image of Our Lady, were located on the main town square, opposite the covered market and that moulinois called the "relocates" where every hour calendar, which marked the lives of merchants , was struck on a bell that articulated by a dummy Jaquemart called. Lorenzo promised himself to go to study the mechanism because he had an idea to improve it. They set off while in belfry, nine shots were struck on the bell.
The aldermen should go very often select trees in the forest for a guard to mark martel of Water and Forests ducal. Bridges over the Allier were wooden and had to be repeatedly repaired. Lorenzo was the method of construction if .... primitive! Why not build in stone? Brother John had told him the story of the stone bridge commissioned by the Duke Peter II: barely begun to build and already left for Villeneuve!
- "It must be in Nantes, now." The Arno
also had these floods ruthless: the library of the Palazzo Medici, Lorenzo had the opportunity to see the plans master Leonardo da Vinci, whom he admired, had a century earlier, prepared for the channel .... And he thought that there must be a solution to avoid these repeated flooding, which were regularly killed.
They went to the stables of Martin Durand, near the door of the Carmelites, take two horses and a mule to carry their journey. Lorenzo was a little upset that Michel him master has reserved a mule ... And he was muttering his disapproval in Florence, which raised eyebrows of two aldermen who heard no drop. But who understood however that it was unwise to interrupt!
To win the main street of the Faubourg d'Allier, they came out and walked along the walls Bréchimbault mill, then to get her laugh instead of Lists. Some peddlers had set up their stalls walkways; to hostels where they lived (which hangs the Fleur de Lys ", the Lion d'Or, the Wild Man ... with their courses and étableries, and forge Stevenin Lefevre where several horses and mules were awaiting rail ... The Brandons Fair which began in eight days, attracted many people and this year is the Sunday Brandons was in March .... The traders from Burgundy, Berry and Auvergne rubbed merchants sailors came from Orleans, Angers and Nevers ...
Towards wind along another creek, stretching from tanneries and slaughter butchers. For a small town like Mills, their corporation silent singularly important. At least in this, like Florence Mills and nose Lorenzo was bothered by the same smells of blood and dried guts.
Bridges were especially vulnerable this year with a harsh winter had seen the river taking a fortnight by blocks of ice, the arches were strongly shaken ... and in this rainy spring, there was concern that strains of trees torn from the banks will come to prevail in one or more ... When that happens, then it must cross by ferry and aldermen explained that it was very damaging to the economy of the former capital of the duchy of Bourbonnais.
piles were carefully stored in ditches City by city officials sighted. So what had been a stopgap for the Brandons Fair to be held from next week. Already traders and merchant sailors from Nantes, Angers were present. But for a good city management, it should not delay in booking timber trees from the owners of nearby forests.
Crossing the first bridge Eschinard, Lorenzo was impressed by the strong current ...
- "I would not fall into it!
Pierron Duchapt pointed to a pinnacle Lorenzo we cross "the village of Bardelins "... In his left hand, you see the steeple is the church of La Madeleine, who was the Hotel Dieu of lepers ... As there are many more, there now houses the poor bystanders.
They spent a second bridge (- "the little bridge Eschinard" announced one of the aldermen, which made him laugh was that Lorenzo moulinois did not show much imagination to find names to the bridges) and then journeyed in a sunken road, nestled between two tall rows of trees.
- "We call it the" bouchures "as in midsummer, the leaves clog the landscape. Master Duquenay explained: "In reality, they delimit the fields. That is why they are called also "untracked".
Lorenzo had never far away from Moulins de Marseille, the port where it had landed the previous November, he won the city by the River Lyon. Then, shivering with cold, he had, between Lyon and Lapalisse ... through the snow in wooded hills, planted with dark conifers, he found a little scary before returning the boat to go up ... in Varennes Allier up 'Moulins. These landscapes were so different from the Florentine countryside, open, covered with flowers in spring, golden in summer ... .. even burned! ...


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