Friday, October 22, 2010

Scarlett Johansen's Legs

sorry for them!

After a bad day spent with my son, I wondered if I asked him too and the answer is YES! YES, I want things to be perfect, that everything goes well .... But no, things are not like a beautiful painting where life is rosy.
In blogs, I read of children who were very familiar with the practical life, and when we read it seems that the picture is rosy from home. And yes, we see some nice pictures of children who have a high concentration, enthusiasm for doing business, it's at looks so easy to put this up if I can say .. Well no, we need to succeed in catching his attention, you can invite him to do particular activities, and give him the urge again ... and especially us as parents to be listening, forgiving, observation and encouragement.
Today, following this thinking, talking with my man to know where I'm going with my son, I went to ask me if I 'm the right person to place this pedagogy. Before practicing Montessori, it is first necessary I ask myself the right questions, the perfect is this so important? It also requires that I channel my energy wisely also good, I let Elliot live his life like a little boy and that things will be done by itself. I wanted to put the cart before the horse, I'm so excited and then press to develop pedagogy and well made that this will bring my whole family.

If I am writing this is more for me to realize the mistakes I make, and remove all the beliefs that I made on the practical life, and yes they are things that one does so automatically, without thinking, I thought it would be easy and well NO. So I leave with nothing, and I calm my passions.


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