Thursday, May 31, 2007

Csr Bluetooth Radio Driver

20 years of evolution in computer

Some were amused to compare the performance of a Mac Plus (with its charming Motorola 68k processor) with that of a PC with an AMD Athlon 64 X2 4800 + by rolling applications, many people use, ie Word and Excel.

The results are quite significant:

Check out the results! For the functions that people use most often, the 1986 vintage Mac Plus beats the 2007 AMD Athlon 64 X2 4800+: 9 tests to 8! Out of the 17 tests, the antique Mac won 53% of the time! Including a jaw-dropping 52 second whipping of the AMD from the time the Power button is pushed to the time the Desktop is up and useable.

We also didn't want to overly embarrass the AMD by comparing the time it takes to install the OS vs. the old Mac. The Mac's average of about a minute is dwarfed by the approximately one hour install time of Windows XP Pro.

Is this to say that the Mac Plus is a better computer than the AMD? Of course not. The technological advancements of 21 years have placed modern PCs in a completely different league of varied capacities. But the "User Experience" has not changed much in two decades. Due to bloated code that has to incorporate hundreds of functions that average users don't even know exist, let alone ever utilize, the software companies have weighed down our PCs to effectively neutralize their vast speed advantages. When we compare strictly common, everyday, basic user tasks between the Mac Plus and the AMD we find remarkable similarities in overall speed, thus it can be stated that for the majority of simple office uses, the massive advances in technology in the past two decades have brought zero advance in productivity.

And that's just plain crazy.

Via /.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Body Produces To Much Blood

News from the front

Via Wayne Madsen :

May 29, 2007 -- North Carolina Republican Rep. Walter Jones has a new job proposal for outgoing World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz. Jones says Wolfowitz should be sent to Iraq to be mayor of Baghdad since Wolfowitz and "the neo-cons" are responsible for the Iraq quagmire.

If the White House agrees to Jones' idea, Wolfowitz will have to be issued with adult undergarments. Wolfowitz was staying at Baghdad's Al Rashid Hotel on October 26, 2003 when insurgents launched a rocket at the hotel. A U.S. Army Colonel was killed in the 6:10 am attack and 15 other people were injured, including 11 Americans and one Briton.

A British journalist contacted this editor after the attack and said he witnessed Wolfowitz, shaken and in tears, running Through the hotel lobby in history underpants With A blanket thrown over His head. The journalist saw aussi clearly "Thats the seat of Wolfowitz's soiled underpants WAS With A very visible stain.

Merial Purevax Rabies Vaccine

what Mexicans think of Americans

Friday, May 25, 2007

Pink Grapefruit Calories

Axis of Weasel

Via Greenwald.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

What Can Toronto Walk In Clinics Prescribe ?

The arbitrariness of labels

If you are a religious extremist who seeks to blow up innocent people because they disagree with you, are you a terrorist?


Bomb Plot Thwarted at Falwell's Funeral
Student Arrested With Homemade Bombs, Three Other Suspects Sought

Even in death, the Rev. Jerry Falwell rouses the most volatile of emotions.

A small group of protesters gathered near the funeral services to criticize the man who mobilized Christian evangelicals and made them a major force in American politics -- often by playing on social prejudices.

A group of students from Falwell's Liberty University staged a counterprotest.

And Campbell County authorities arrested a Liberty University student for having several homemade bombs in his car.

The student, 19-year-old Mark D. Uhl of Amissville, Va., reportedly told authorities that he was making the bombs to stop protesters Disrupting from The Funeral Service. The prorated by the devices of a combination of gasoline and detergent, a law enforcement official Told ABC News' Pierre Thomas.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

How Can I Learn To Cut My Hair Myself

Blowback, already? Posting

You've all seen that in a Palestinian refugee camp, fighting broke out between a faction of radical Sunni and the Lebanese government .

Do you remember what was said Seymour Hersh last winter?

I quote:

To Undermine Iran, Which Is predominantly Shiite, the Bush Administration has Decided, in effect, to reconfigure icts Priorities in the Middle East. In Lebanon, The Administration has coöperated With Saudi Arabia's Government, Which Is Sunni, in clandestine operations That Are Intended to Weaken Hezbollah, The Shiite organization backed by Iran That Is. The U.S. has taken part in clandestine aussi operations Aimed at Iran and Its ally Syria. A by-product of activities has been "The thesis of Sunni extremist groups Bolstering espouse a militant vision That of Islam and are hostile to America and sympathetic to Al Qaeda.

Apparently, they just forgot to blame Hezbollah. Eh. Even more hilarious is that when you read it Syria is behind all this .

Force yourself guys.

Royal Canin Complaint

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Hollywood Hulk Hogan Shirt Hollywood Rules

Fluffy Tuesday Thoughts for PKP

A recent surge of milk on the farm evident from Quebecor of everything that affects one way or another reasonable accommodation prompted me to look in the chartered Council Quebec Press something relevant to the problem. I found this.

2.3.1 Discrimination

According to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms of Quebec, any person "entitled to recognition and the exercise in full equality, rights and freedoms person, without distinction, exclusion or preference based on race, color, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, marital status, age [...], religion, political convictions, language , ethnicity or national origin, social condition, disability [...]. "

The media and information professionals should avoid cultivating or maintaining prejudices. They must avoid to use against individuals or groups, representations or terms that tend to raise hatred and contempt, to encourage violence or to offend the dignity a person or class of persons because of a discriminatory motive.

not prevented the media to report the characteristics that distinguish individuals or groups. However, this statement must be relevant and of interest groups, or be a prerequisite for understanding and consistency of information.

at any time and in any situation, reporters, commentators and editorialists should bind itself to the highest professional standards in this area.

I will consult a lawyer, just for fun. If you have an answer to the problem, do not be shy.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

What Color Hat With Brown Boots

Hitchens vs. Hannity

admit that Chris Hitchens usually break my balls, but that's Sean Hannity who is pitiful to see.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Anyone Had Surgery For Endometriosis?

Chronicles propaganda ordinary

I do not know if you saw this video lying around on Youtube for some time.

angry Arabic translation offers a bit more subtle:

Black text: Arabic Transcript.

Blue text: Arabic transcript written in English alphabet.

Green text: My English translation.

Red text: MEMRI’s English translation.

Highlighted red text: Wrong MEMRI English translation.

Purchase : ears, Inti Anamli Shaw .. I mean .. To the maximum? Shaw Anvdi .. I mean your soul to the maximum? Shaw Anamli?

Sarraa ': Sanabel, enti shoo hate'mali ... ya'ni ... min ajl el-Aqsa? Shoo hatefdi ... ya’ni roohek min ajl el-Aqsa? Shoo hate’mali?

Sarraa’ : Sanabel, what are you going to do ... like ... for the sake of Al Aqsa? What are you going to sacrifice ... like your soul for the sake of Al-Aqsa? What are you going to do?

MEMRI : Sanabel, what will you do for the sake of the Al-Aqsa Mosque? How will you sacrifice your soul for the sake of Al-Aqsa? What will you do?

فرفور : حطخ.

Farfour: Hatokh.

Farfour : I will shoot.


سنابل : بدي أرسم صورة.

Sanabel : B'di arsem soora.

Sanabel : I'm going to draw a picture.

MEMRI : I will shoot

Farfur : Hnaml ish I mean, how are we, we want your ears Inhrr ..

Farfour : Aish hane'mal ya’ni kaif ehna bedna ya sanabel enharrer ...

Farfour : What are we going to do ... Sanabel, like how are we going to liberate ...

MEMRI : Sanabel, what should we do if we want to liberate...

سنابل : بدنا انقاوم.

Sanabel : Bedna enqawem.

Sanabel : We are going to resist.

MEMRI : We want to fight.

Farfur : And then? Hadi We have guarded it and then?

Farfour : Wo ba'dain? Hadi hfeznaha, wo ba'dain?

Farfour : Then what? We already know this one, then what?

MEMRI : We got that. What else?

سراء : إحنا بدنا..

Sarraa’ : Ehna bedna …

Sarraa’ : We are going to …

MEMRI : We want to ...

Sanabel : Btkhona Jews.

Sanabel : Betokhoona el yahood.

Sanabel : The Jews will shoot us.

MEMRI : We will annihilate the Jews.

Purchase : are we're not defending Al-Aqsa Mosque, we want our lives and our blood, and did not my ears?

Sarraa ' : Ehna bedna endafe' an el-Aqsa b arwa7na wo b dema2na, wella la 'ya Sanabel?

Sarraa ' : We are going to defend Al-Aqsa with our souls and blood, or are we not Sanabel?

MEMRI : We are defending Al-Aqsa with our souls and our blood, aren't we, Sanabel?

Sanabel (his voice is not clear): I want to cite

(or - ears: باستشهد )

( أو - سنابل: بنستشهد )

Sanabel (audio not clear): Bdi astash-hed.

( Or – Sanabel: Bastash-hed )

( Or – Sanabel: Bnastash-hed )

Sanabel (audio not clear): I’m going to become a martyr. [Literally: I want to become a martyr]

( Or – Sanabel: I’ll become a martyr )

( Or – Sanabel: We’ll become martyrs )

MEMRI : I will commit martyrdom.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Cervical Radiculopathy Acupuncture

More good jokes Good jokes

At today’s House Judiciary Committee hearing , Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA) asked Attorney General Alberto Gonzales whether any U.S. citizens are “being held today, for over a month, who have been denied habeas corpus or access to an attorney.” Instead of giving an answer, Gonzales replied, “[Y]ou’re asking me a question I hadn’t really Thought About. "

Before you cans, by cons, I would like here we tent also get rid of this problem that is habeas corpus. Haha.

White Hair On My Pusi

Recent Condi Rice antics.

U.S. official: Peace effort Lessening Aimed at Arab, EU pressure
By Shmuel Rosner , Haaretz Correspondent

U.S. Deputy National Security Advisor Elliott Abrams on Thursday told a group of Jewish Republicans that the efforts the United States is now investing in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is aimed at lessening the pressure from Arabs and the Europeans, who weren't happy with the United States in its past approach.


Abrams explained that the talks are sometimes not more than "process for the sake of process."


Some of the attendees understood Abrams' comments as an assurance that the peace initiative promoted by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice doesn't have the full backing of President George W. Bush.

La chose a le mérite d'être clear. Inspired by