Tuesday, May 22, 2007

How Can I Learn To Cut My Hair Myself

Blowback, already? Posting

You've all seen that in a Palestinian refugee camp, fighting broke out between a faction of radical Sunni and the Lebanese government .

Do you remember what was said Seymour Hersh last winter?

I quote:

To Undermine Iran, Which Is predominantly Shiite, the Bush Administration has Decided, in effect, to reconfigure icts Priorities in the Middle East. In Lebanon, The Administration has coƶperated With Saudi Arabia's Government, Which Is Sunni, in clandestine operations That Are Intended to Weaken Hezbollah, The Shiite organization backed by Iran That Is. The U.S. has taken part in clandestine aussi operations Aimed at Iran and Its ally Syria. A by-product of activities has been "The thesis of Sunni extremist groups Bolstering espouse a militant vision That of Islam and are hostile to America and sympathetic to Al Qaeda.

Apparently, they just forgot to blame Hezbollah. Eh. Even more hilarious is that when you read it Syria is behind all this .

Force yourself guys.


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