Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Anyone Had Surgery For Endometriosis?

Chronicles propaganda ordinary

I do not know if you saw this video lying around on Youtube for some time.

angry Arabic translation offers a bit more subtle:

Black text: Arabic Transcript.

Blue text: Arabic transcript written in English alphabet.

Green text: My English translation.

Red text: MEMRI’s English translation.

Highlighted red text: Wrong MEMRI English translation.

Purchase : ears, Inti Anamli Shaw .. I mean .. To the maximum? Shaw Anvdi .. I mean your soul to the maximum? Shaw Anamli?

Sarraa ': Sanabel, enti shoo hate'mali ... ya'ni ... min ajl el-Aqsa? Shoo hatefdi ... ya’ni roohek min ajl el-Aqsa? Shoo hate’mali?

Sarraa’ : Sanabel, what are you going to do ... like ... for the sake of Al Aqsa? What are you going to sacrifice ... like your soul for the sake of Al-Aqsa? What are you going to do?

MEMRI : Sanabel, what will you do for the sake of the Al-Aqsa Mosque? How will you sacrifice your soul for the sake of Al-Aqsa? What will you do?

فرفور : حطخ.

Farfour: Hatokh.

Farfour : I will shoot.


سنابل : بدي أرسم صورة.

Sanabel : B'di arsem soora.

Sanabel : I'm going to draw a picture.

MEMRI : I will shoot

Farfur : Hnaml ish I mean, how are we, we want your ears Inhrr ..

Farfour : Aish hane'mal ya’ni kaif ehna bedna ya sanabel enharrer ...

Farfour : What are we going to do ... Sanabel, like how are we going to liberate ...

MEMRI : Sanabel, what should we do if we want to liberate...

سنابل : بدنا انقاوم.

Sanabel : Bedna enqawem.

Sanabel : We are going to resist.

MEMRI : We want to fight.

Farfur : And then? Hadi We have guarded it and then?

Farfour : Wo ba'dain? Hadi hfeznaha, wo ba'dain?

Farfour : Then what? We already know this one, then what?

MEMRI : We got that. What else?

سراء : إحنا بدنا..

Sarraa’ : Ehna bedna …

Sarraa’ : We are going to …

MEMRI : We want to ...

Sanabel : Btkhona Jews.

Sanabel : Betokhoona el yahood.

Sanabel : The Jews will shoot us.

MEMRI : We will annihilate the Jews.

Purchase : are we're not defending Al-Aqsa Mosque, we want our lives and our blood, and did not my ears?

Sarraa ' : Ehna bedna endafe' an el-Aqsa b arwa7na wo b dema2na, wella la 'ya Sanabel?

Sarraa ' : We are going to defend Al-Aqsa with our souls and blood, or are we not Sanabel?

MEMRI : We are defending Al-Aqsa with our souls and our blood, aren't we, Sanabel?

Sanabel (his voice is not clear): I want to cite

(or - ears: باستشهد )

( أو - سنابل: بنستشهد )

Sanabel (audio not clear): Bdi astash-hed.

( Or – Sanabel: Bastash-hed )

( Or – Sanabel: Bnastash-hed )

Sanabel (audio not clear): I’m going to become a martyr. [Literally: I want to become a martyr]

( Or – Sanabel: I’ll become a martyr )

( Or – Sanabel: We’ll become martyrs )

MEMRI : I will commit martyrdom.


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