Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Body Produces To Much Blood

News from the front

Via Wayne Madsen :

May 29, 2007 -- North Carolina Republican Rep. Walter Jones has a new job proposal for outgoing World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz. Jones says Wolfowitz should be sent to Iraq to be mayor of Baghdad since Wolfowitz and "the neo-cons" are responsible for the Iraq quagmire.

If the White House agrees to Jones' idea, Wolfowitz will have to be issued with adult undergarments. Wolfowitz was staying at Baghdad's Al Rashid Hotel on October 26, 2003 when insurgents launched a rocket at the hotel. A U.S. Army Colonel was killed in the 6:10 am attack and 15 other people were injured, including 11 Americans and one Briton.

A British journalist contacted this editor after the attack and said he witnessed Wolfowitz, shaken and in tears, running Through the hotel lobby in history underpants With A blanket thrown over His head. The journalist saw aussi clearly "Thats the seat of Wolfowitz's soiled underpants WAS With A very visible stain.


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