Friday, February 18, 2011

Is Hepatitis Be Curable?


The other night there was "Earth Capital" on M6, a great show well presented which showed any behind the scenes of our consumption, the impact on our planet.
Having done much work on how we eat in my family, I tell myself that the road is still long, as long as there is consumer demand, the more there will be some producers scrupulous about how manufacture all these products last generation, it's going to cost goes without saying, but, more importantly, producing effects harmful to the environment.

In this program, they are spoken in the production of cotton, oil palm, beef and plastic that streak irreversible threats to our planet. I will not talk of the show it would take too long to describe point by point. They have shown what is really happening across the world, where we manufacture the products in regular use, but that kills the planet but also men who live there. Between massive deforestation, soil polluted by hormones, pesticides, air and water, all that to feed a population that continues to grow, we must take action.

In my opinion, should be that every man should be concerned about the future of the planet because as he prepares for the future generations. should change consumption patterns. Buy less food out of season and / or imported by air, by boat from distant continents to favor the consumption of local products would be a first step. Behavior change through awareness, but it must be concerned.
I have in my circle of people who are very concerned with the planet, just made the sort of waste remains a chore for them, that to me puts me beside myself. When I say we're 4 and you're doing a garbage bag per month, they wonder, well we recycle, we try, we are already in nappies, wipes in washable, you do not eat meat, I am my desserts, very brief little waste, I'll almost in supermarkets, there is a winery near us, we eat organic as much as possible. Well since the show, I'll be even more vigilant about how we consume.
For this post, I e just want to share our way of life within my family, may be a better world, but it may be unrealistic. As it takes to change habits and is often the most difficult.


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